An Idealist Timeline of How HUPSI Evolves
- Just 1 person who has finite needs and infinite ambition for philantrophy
- He starts with a simple idea
- If I had the Know how of all products and services are made.
- I could make them in a cost effective way for social entrepreneurs
- Idea refined
- 600 Million Products on Amazon
- 25,000 Product Categories
- We need the knowledge of Which 20% of the products and services were used 80% of the time
- These kind of products already have a lot of competition
- But that doesn't matter
- Why?
- Because the finished products will cost way more less with our economics
- Suppose there are 1000 such Products
- Brainchain Tech
- Then includes the Karma Sucking Machines
- Crowd Sourced Context Map
- 600 Million Products on Amazon
- 25,000 Product Categories
- People are practical
- The Retired People are the ones who see gains with this
- Open Sourced FMCG
- assets produce Necessity Demand
- Future
- Big Brother Garification
- Like Your big brother sets the rules for getting the rewards
- Local
- sports
- prize
- Art
- prize
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