We co-operate and collaborate in large numbers only because of a belief in story.
Companies are stories.
Countries are stories.
Religions are stories.
When a story is backed by a legal or people's framework it manifest's a reality.
What is the story that we all believe in.. Like all, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, The Americans, Chinese, EU and Indians.?
Its not Harry Potter.. Its not a Religion...
Drawing wisdom From Yuval's Sapiens -
Its Capitalism combined with consumerism...
We all blindly believe earning more.. working more for companies... will make us more secure.. more prosperous... It won't.... By many estimates, we cease to exist in 100 years if capitalist societies continue on a same track...
The reality is.. it makes us secure as a small entity and leaves us vulnerable as a whole...
Isn't taking care of us as a whole, job of the Government? Sadly most governments have become an extension of capitalist mindset with focus on GDP not on creation and distribution of Abundance.
The reality is.. AI and Automation means that the middle class would be wiped out leaving only the ultra rich and a large society with little or no economic agency (Means for economic growth). The same fruits of AI and Automation when distributed Prudently can drive a drastic change in the society. No I am not talking about UBI here. This story is something else.
What's interesting about this story is the highly intellectual white collars who have lost their job, or at a risk of losing their job will find this story attractive.
Okay... AI and Automation combined with Capitalism means not a better world for us whole so what adopt Communism?
Communism is inherently flawed in its principle "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". Merits and Talent command to be rewarded.
A new economic story has always been fundamental to change the course of history. The English Capitalism which enabled the East India Company to capture India, American Capitalism which ruled the second half of 20th Century, Russian Communism, the unique Chinese blend of capitalist companies and communist.
Notice any pattern? It was always communism and capitalism blended with stories of Nationalism. There was never a universal story because we human beings told such that we can uplift the entire world as a whole. Few economists thought about these. Politicians were always concerned just about the nations. Engineers and other knowledge workers were busy in the matrix created by the banks and businessman.
So what is this new story I am talking about. A story in which if we find 1 million right people. [[Why 1 million, why not a Billion]]? Connecting, collaborating and co-operating with one another. We, Will change the face of humanity forever.
This is our story of Government Networked State (GNS) pronounced GeNiuS.
We will be Funded by HUPSI - Humanitarian Product Service Intelligence. We will the philosophy of Centrism to bind various Imagined Realities together. We will guided by Prosperity Through Purpose PTP Economics so that prosperity has a Conscious trickle down. We will professionally network through the Brainchain Tech Framework where we connect, communicate, barter strategically with AI. We will follow a sophisticated shared knowledge management system termed Shared Second Brain. They collectively form the pillars of the story. Too many jargons coined for this, but it was necessary.. You can understand them one by one in depth by clicking the links. I will just lay out the principles of these in this article.
To understand this story.
What if we identify 1 million people on the planet who have 3 key characteristics, Merit who are immensely capable in their domains. Have a Philanthropic mindset, and Integrity. MPI People We work towards their financial freedom through HUPSI and PTP so they redirect their mental resources towards solving bigger problems. [[Tiers In every Sector]]
Its the Intellect that gives different colors and labels to all selfless souls who have one emotion of humanity. The people with the above 3 characteristics often carry a ego, and its not their problem, its human nature. To accommodate all the colors of right, left, religion and nation we are working on a philosophy of Centrism.
The big stories which we believed and based our nation states always had an economic theory in place, whether it was capitalism, communism, socialism or a creative combination of the three. So it's imperative that the new story of these chosen 1 million has an economic theory.
Economic theories always answered 3 fundamental questions. What do we product? How do we produce? How do we distribute? Though we do answer these 3 fundamental questions 3 fundamental Questions of PTP economics , we believe we are still optimizing the wrong things. Economics has optimized for prosperity and wealth, where economics should ideally optimize for wisdom and happiness.
Wisdom and happiness can only be optimized when the leverage of Money, Power, Fame is transferred to MPI People. This Leverage is a stock that can slowly be transferred from the greedy and myopic to the well-intentioned and holistic with high co-operation. This high co-operation is only possible with a belief in a solid story.
Instead of Trickle down . A policy is considered a “trickle-down” if it benefits wealthy businesses and individuals in the short run to boost standards of living for all individuals and the economy in the long run. How about the principle - "Prosperity is Guaranteed, Perpetuity is not.." Prosperity is Guaranteed through the safety net provided by Abundance Entrepreneurs, high co-operation and connects through the Brainchain Tech Framework. Perpetuity is not, because eventually all non-patented products and services will be provided through robotics and automation. Leaving us free for Leisure, Deep work, Travel, Love and Spirituality. In theory, these MPI People will eventually entirely let go of their equity in return for a guaranteed prosperity.
Its not enough that we identify these 1 million people and make them financially free. We also need to make sure they connect with the appropriate people at appropriate times, they communicate well, they have strategic barters with one another and they even incubate their ideas in the community. This is exactly why the Brainchain Tech Framework was built.
To understand The Brainchain Tech Framework, we first need to understand the concept of Virtual Mind. It is basically a personal text corpus. The Conscious Text Corpus is made of all consciously created texts like tweets, blog resume etc. The Unconscious Text Corpus is made of texts and data that you consume and bookmark. This may include your YouTube history, reels history, chrome bookmarks etc. There are obvious concerns about privacy addressed in [[How we plan to handle privacy using IPFS and Blockchain]]. This virtual mind enables us to connect, collaborate, communicate, incubate and barter very effectively. Enabling prudent flow of information, capital and skills where they are needed the most in the network. What will flow on the social network.
These MPI People are bound to have different levels of prosperity because Merits come in all shapes and sizes of needs, quirks and demands. Overall, the framework, the economics, and the philosophy will give rise to a "New Philanthropic Prosperous Well-Networked Upper Middle Class". Prosperity for the larger class is made sure by the Conscious trickle down in the short run, and AI and Automation in the long run.
We are building a Story not just a company.
To contribute with mind, heart, skills or wallet:
whatsapp: 9834394535
For internships write to dipeshwalte@gmail.com
visit: www.brainchain.network
Also read,
[[Why we don't plan to have a currency for this State, Yet]]